Posted in Friendship

Friends are Forever.

They don’t belong to you through blood. Nor they share any specific bond. They don’t have reason to love you. Nor they expect.Friends.Yes. They are friends.

So much is written on this topic, and nothing is never enough.and it won’t be ever enough, because Friendship is something you can not limit in words, you can not describe the emotion. It’s unnamed and undefined.

They are Blessings of God to us.They truly are. They are those smiling faces you meet at your first days of school, or college, or work. They are those people you can talk at 2 in the morning. They are the one you can pour your heart to.

Friends are your partners in every thing.Not just the right one but the stupid ones too.You smile with them, laugh with them, cry with them. They know every little and smallest thing about you. Your dirty secrets ( of some they are parts too)😂,first crush, first affair. And they were their for your heartbreak😔. Hell! Lots of everything or anything.They are there.

They become your world, and you theirs.They are gems of your life.

I am one of the lucky one to have these gems in my life. I feel blessed.

The greatest thing about friendship is that time can not bound the closeness of one with another. A person you met a month ago can sometimes leave a mark on your heart forever. And I am blessed to have friends from all spheres of my life.

I don’t have a long list of friends.( Apart of this Blog! I love you all,❤️and I am more than blessed)

I am glad I have these few in my life, and they stood with me,and still stands there with me at every step of my life. (Image: me and my lifelines, All selfies from my iPhone 😂)

This blog today is a Thank You note for all of them. They are my Love, my life, my heart and my world. I can’t and I never imagine my life without any of them.

All the moments spend with them is my favourite. The joy, the laughter, the irrelevant talks, the teasing of each other and the world, all of them are forever inscribed in my heart.

I am blessed to have all of them with me. This Friendship, this love and this bond is forever. I don’t stay close, we don’t meet often, we don’t call often. But we stay.and we love. We are together.Because Friends are Forever. We have an unsigned,undocumented contract with each other.And though we fight, though we live apart, we manage to connect,Because, Love,my friends.

Love remains. Always and forever.


A simple one with complicated thought process ..I write to seek answers, I write to seek what is missing. I write because it makes me calm. I write because I am not completely lost,not yet found. I, am wandering. Writing comes naturally, in the heat of most passionate moments, either of happiness or utter sadness.

102 thoughts on “Friends are Forever.

  1. Such a wise and wonderful post on friendship! Friends are those who choose each other and not bound by blood, great if a relative can be a friend too. We are all blessed by the friends we have. Your description of friendship is so true and comforting! My wife’s Dad had a great saying he gave her – “You will have many acquaintances but few true friends”! And the truth is that if you have a handful that is probably enough!

    Thanks for following my blog! I’m looking forward to your posts like this too!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Very pertinent topic and written in a delectable manner. Interesting read. If you want to read a love story between a small town hut and a girl from metro checkout my blog. You might like. Do share your feedback as well.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Thankyouuuuuu priiiii…..
        every word you have written here is so pure and lovely..
        I am blessed to have you in mah life bae😘
        God has given us relatives by our Karma.. but friends are those which are not bound by any high authority.. that’s only matter of bonding and your own wish..
        Love you..😊

        Liked by 2 people

  3. It is inevitable to lose friends while growing older, but the ones who remain are the ones that are true. 🙂 Love this post!! Made me miss my bffs!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This is very touching. I, myself, do not have a lot of friends. I have a small group that I entrust anything and everything to.,,my little support group as I like to call them. Thanks for sharing this.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Ah…one can write a bible about it and still it won’t be enough…true friends are precious entities…only a few lucky people on earth were born with the fate to prize them…beautiful energy Priya…oh, those pics are so so beautiful 💕💕💕

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This reminded of my best friend whom I don’t talk anymore… for almost 9 months. I miss her a lot and I wish we could be friends again someday, in the future 😕. For now I am focusing on my other relationships…

    Liked by 2 people

  7. The older I get, the more I think the classic Greeks were right, that friendship is the better emotion than romance/lust/adoration. True friendship is based on the right feelings so leads to right actions. Physical attraction is biochemistry and doesn’t care about the needs of higher brain functions. I think one of the reasons I get along better with women raised in a Confucian culture than with American women is because Confucian literature focused on romance as companionship rather than a passionate rollercoaster.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. They don’t belong to you through blood. Nor they share any specific bond. They don’t have reason to love you. Nor they expect.Friends.Yes. They are friends.

    Starting lines are heart touching
    I love this beautiful post !
    One more thing , me too have very few friends but I love to keep myself alone most of time .

    Liked by 2 people

  9. The best part about boys friendship is they will insult you like hell but if anyone other than friend even tries to offend you, they will be first to fight them back…Really its a blessing by god…Best friends are hard to find and impossible to lose.💕

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Pure friendship is so beautiful, and it’s hard to find someone who is there for you through thick and thin, but when you do, it’s an amazing feeling. I have a few friends I know I could call at anytime and they would be there for me, and vice versa. My best friend lives a state away but we still talk all the time and if I ever have an issue I go to her first. I don’t know where I’d be without her 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Good to know you value friendship to its righteous instinct, “friends are only but a dire need of each other, when the need is fulfilled it’s over “,how far is this phrase true…?( New phase new New face…)

    Good to have person like you who shares good will and positivity. Keep it up, Priya, amazing post.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I forget to mention this quote is translated from dhoom.. Just a pessimistic dimension it is.
        Nevermind, (p.s my dark humour always get face along crash)
        friends definitely are forever. ☺️☺️

        Liked by 1 person

  12. My estranged friend and i chatted today… after 2 years and nine months. Alot of hurt inbetween and on my side. I asked her if she missed me. She said, “Everyday Kavita”. We had been thinking about each other. Everything changed. Nothing changed.

    Liked by 5 people

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