Posted in #life, #Poetry, #void, Heart break

The Sin.


Sitting shattered and battered
Tears trickling through my eyes
I heard someone calling out
A soothing whisper
Telling me to stop crying
I looked and found none
Then I heard within
My heart goes out for the moment
To that sweet innocent soul
Who wanted to make me whole
Then the hailstorm of reality hit
And I hush and said Ssh
No more talking
I said firm
To her or him?
I don’t know
Nor I will know ever
Like an unknown
A flower with no name?
The one who planted left
Long ago, gone.
Oh my sweet child
The one left me
And us.
I am scared
Afraid and tortured
I can not
No I can’t
Carry you my angel
Not now not Beyond,
You will have to go
I am here
In this tornado
Getting rid
Of my shadow
Forgive me
I am about to commit
A heinous crime
Please oh lord forgive me
For I am about to sin
Battling myself
Murdering the little flower
Oh my sweet Darling
You and I
Aren’t meant to be
Like him and me,
This blizzard is approaching
My heart is pounding
I want to
I do
To hold you in my arms
To caress you
To love you
And to kiss you
To keep you close in my heart
But I will have to loose you
And I am losing
With each passing
Losing a piece of me
His broken promises
Are breaking us apart,
Oh but my littlest angel
We will meet
I swear
In the next life
Of yours and mine
I am sorry
Forgive me
I apologise
For doing this
Hideous immortality
This twister
Is taking away
You from me
And me from within
I remain with nothing
This Avalanche
Finally killed
The blossom
And there released
A sigh
Of immense hurt and pain
From my Bosom.


PS: This is a serious issue I tried writing about. I don’t know how much I did justice to it but I just poured out what my heart said to me.

The Lost Soul.

Posted in Uncategorized


And all her Dreams came Crashing down . She? She was an innocent one. Loved with all her heart and her mornings were chirpy and the day used to shine like a morning sun.Then her world shattered into pieces. And her heart was bleeding, Bleeding with the sharp edges of her dreams. And her love. Her love for that person she held so special in her heart that he became her world. And then one Day her world left her. No! The world within her was destroyed and she was numb. She couldn’t take it anymore. She still looks same but no the chirpiness that’s gone. And the days are not shining anymore. She who was innocent was stripped of her innocence and nothing she know , nothing on the entire planet could replace the world she created with that one person. She wasn’t this vulnerable ever but, but when she started seeing the dreams. The dreams he created she couldn’t think of other things anymore. She is sitting in a room, in a dark corner looking out from the window. People are passing by she calls everybody. No body is listening. Nobody could hear her out. She soon realise nobody will and nobody could ever reach out to her. All her hopes are gone with the tide that took her world away and though she screams and she screams her voice cannot reach to the ears of one she want. For the world she is same. For the world she was the same girl but deep down inside her, there’s that girl locked up and she couldn’t come out. She packed her dreams in a beautiful sparkling glass and gave them to someone. Someone she thought was the one for her. And it was broken. Broken by the hands she once held.Broken by the love she still have within. And then,all her dreams came crashing down.